Freedom to be YOU
(Not who you think you ought to be)
A Free Audio to Help You Relax and Unwind
This can happen when you work with JoAnne.
It is the best gift you can give to yourself.”
Are you plagued by relationship problems, stress, overwhelm, career concerns, confidence and self-esteem issues, people-pleasing and taking things personally, or whatever else may be heavy on your heart and shoulders?
I invite you to have a no-obligation Complimentary Call where I can learn more about you, and we can explore working together.
Is this YOU?
I’ll be happy when……..I have a better job, a better marriage, more money, better stuff.
I’ll be happy when……..I feel less stressed, pressured, worried and overwhelmed.
I’ll be happy when……..I achieve a self improved version of myself.
I’ll be happy when……..I have more confidence and self esteem.
I’ll be happy when……..I think I’m good enough.
I’ll be happy when…… children are happy.
I’ll be happy when…… illness goes away.
I’ll be happy when……..I lose weight.
I’ll be happy when…….. __________________(you fill the blank).
Don’t feel alone.
I used to think this way!
Looking outside of yourself to make you feel whole and better doesn’t work
and never has.
At best, it is fleeting.

In my own crazy journey, it came to me that all I ever wanted was to close the gap between who I was and who I thought I ought or should be.
I came to realize I had been looking in all the wrong places. I mistakenly thought that when I was a better version of myself and had more, all would be well.
This improving, proving, trying, and waiting is
It won’t be found in all the efforting.
What if you find answers by looking in a different direction and coming home to a place that was always there?
My job is to help you close the gap between who you truly are, and who you think you ought to be.
What a relief it would be to embrace all of your humanness and free your potential!
Ways To Work With Me
Individual Coaching
This is an opportunity to explore what might be holding you back or keeping you stuck in behavioral patterns that no longer serve you.
Relationships don’t have to be so hard regardless of what we believe or have been told. Are you experiencing confusion, exhaustion and/or overwhelm? I know how difficult relationships can feel when we are in the thick of problems. It’s hard to see any solutions from this position.
Group Coaching
There are many benefits to learning within a group. Group coaching provides a safe space to share challenges, discover you are not alone, and to share insights and wins you and others may have.
Life can be difficult at times. As a coach, I work with individuals to help them understand the nature of their thoughts and emotions and create strategies to simplify life from an Inside-out perspective.
We are …spiritual beings who are having a human experience. Yet, sometimes we get caught up in our own limiting beliefs, fears, and stories. I enjoy guiding clients to discover their own wisdom rather than searching outside of themselves for answers.
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