Embracing Love, Seeing Beyond Fear

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer.” John Lennon Understanding Fear We all have fear at times. It is part of being human. There are two forms of fear. Real […]
Holiday Gift Suggestions

“Christmas gift suggestions – to your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.” Oren Arnold The first suggestion – Forgiveness This quote really resonated with me especially the first suggestion. I have been hanging on […]
Our Overthinking Mind

Below is some great Cherokee Indian wisdom about our overthinking mind: An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.” “One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, […]
Sometimes Things Don’t Go My Way!

Sometimes things don’t go my way. As you may well know, things may not go your way either. This past winter, I am at my daughter’s home taking care of two of my grandchildren for a few days while my daughter and son-in-law travel to Utah for a ski trip. My oldest grandchild is 5 […]
What is Real-Confidence or Insecurity?

What is real – confidence or insecurity? We can feel strong and secure in ourselves one moment. In another moment, we find ourselves feeling insecure about the same thing. What if confidence is innate? What if confidence didn’t leave us, it just feels like it does? What if we are born with confidence? What if […]
The Essence of What is Real

The essence of what is real – I used to think happiness and peace lived outside of me, and I had to do something to feel better. I thought I had to do more and acquire more to reach it. Honestly, sometimes it really does feel that way when I get up in my head […]
The Value of Paying Attention to Our State of Mind

The value of paying attention to our state of mind allows us to see the quality of thinking one has in the moment. It is the ratio of how open and receptive our minds are versus how cluttered and distracted. This fluctuates from moment to moment in each of our daily lives. It is an impactful […]
Finally Experiencing Simple Forgiveness

Experiencing forgiveness has been difficult at times in my life. I thought I had to forgive the person and their actions. Forgiveness is a gift to ourselves I found myself “trying” to forgive someone for months, and it was not happening. Caught in the tangle of trying to make it happen, yet I was getting […]
What All “Aha” Moments Have in Common

I recently got curious about Aha moments, what they are and what they all have in common. The definition of an Aha moment at Merriam-Webster.com is a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension. Attributes of an Aha moment It is further defined in Wikipedia under Eureka Effect as: A recent theoretical account […]
Where Answers Come From

Upon the cusp of recent events in Paris and other parts of the world, I am reflecting on how I feel. Of course, it is very scary, sad and pretty darn unbelievable! And all of those thoughts and more ran through my mind as I watch the news reports. Yet, upon reflection, I know that […]